#Justice for Denis Preka
March 18, 2019: Linda Preka Thom and her son, Denis, were living an American dream in peaceful suburb of Detroit, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. Linda and Denis moved from Italy when he was only one year old, with the main reason being to give her son a better life and opportunities, and for her to escape the domestic violence from Denis’ father.
Linda was only 21 years old with no friends or family when she moved to the USA. She was the same age as her son when his life was taken away.
Denis’ mother worked so hard to give her son a better life, a life that she never had. Her goal was to provide him with the best education possible, and her hard work made that possible. Denis attended the most prestigious private schools in Michigan.
Denis went to St. Lawrence Catholic School and later attended high school at De La Salle Collegiate. Denis graduated with honors, founded the club Model United Nations and participated in soccer, lacrosse, track and field, and swimming. He continued his academic career at the University of Detroit Mercy, majoring in both Psychology and Business. There, he founded Model United Nations as well as the Albanian American Student Organization. Later, he transferred to his dream school, the University of Michigan. He aspired to, more than anything, attend the Ross School of Business and pursue a career in Business Law.
Linda’s dreams and handwork for her only child were close to fruition, but one phone call on March 19, 2019, changed everything. She was on her way to the airport with her husband to return home and celebrate Denis’ 22nd birthday the next day when she got the call. "Your son was found dead this morning"
a voice from the Grosse Pointe Farm Police said. Her life was crushed as were the dreams she had worked for 21 years. She thought she was going home for Denis’ birthday celebration, she couldn’t have known she was coming home to celebrate his life and prepare for his funeral.
March 20, 2019: Linda woke up in the biggest nightmare and pain that any parent can endure, the loss of a child. But it’s even more painful to go through on her son’s 22nd birthday. Instead of picking up a birthday cake, she was forced to pick a casket.
March 21, 2019: Friends and family mourned with Linda and her devoted husband Jamie, and came together to help us get through this unimaginable pain. Denis’ stepfather, Jamie, received a Snapchat video showing Denis hours of horror before he died. The videos showing Nicholas Remington , at Denis’ “best friend,” Paul Wiedmaier’s, house. Denis suffered a horrible, humiliating death that was videoed by Remington and shared as a Snapchat story for his followers to see.
Wiedmaier betrayal invited Remington and his best (and only) friend, Connor Gibaratz to come over to Paul’s house around 10PM. That night all three of these criminals decided to poison Denis with MDMA and broadcast it live on Snapchat to have fun. Linda was shocked to find out Wiedmaier played a role in Denis’ death and conspired to cover up the crime. Denis' pain and suffering lasted for hours, but Wiedmaier was laughing and having fun as well and didn’t call 911 until 9:11 am next morning; 6 hours after Denis died.
"Remington disturbing laugh at the suffering that Denis was going through. Pouring water on him, covering his mouth with a – a cup when it’s clear from the video that he’s having difficulty breathing. His eyes are black and sunken in. His breathing is shallow. So the way they’re cleaning him up when he says clean as a whistle by pouring water on him. Remington videotaping the end of the life of another human being, which does in fact happen. The life does end. Whether or not the video shows him standing there watching it end or not the life has ended. He knows it and the next day other people are calling
him for drugs and he’s supplying them. This is a individual with no remorse, no conscience, no sanctity for the the human life and – and telling people that his product his pure AF after another person just died. I don’t know that there is somebody that – well, I’m sure there are people equally as dangerous, but this is a dangerous person, a person who doesn’t deserve to be a lower bond so that he can potentially go out and harm other people when he’s already under court order. Judge Jarbou continued him on probation he wasn’t charged with this offense And when." Prosecutor Beth Hand
June 11, 2019: Nicholas Remington was charged with Delivering drugs causing Death
Complaint and warrant is authorized by Judge Richardson
June 12 2019: Arraignment before Judge Andrea Richardson and $1 MILLION Dollar Bond
Judge Richardson: "There’s a reputation for dangerous when we look at the fact that the conduct allegedly was continued and you’re on a probation for a drug offense and now someone has died as result of these drugs. The seriousness of the offense. That’s another thing I have to look at and looking at the seriousness of this offense. It’s just very serious it caused; it was –- it caused death. It’s the death of another person. For those reasons, sir I do find you to be a flight risk. I do find you risk, to be a danger to our society and to safety of the public and the bond is $1,000,000 cash surety no 10 percent."
June 19, 2019: Probable Cause Conference Before the Judge Travis M. Reeds
Judge Reeds: This is a very very serious case. At this point I am not convinced that there was any abuse of discretion by the magistrate.
I’m going to continue the bond.
​August 26, 2019: Preliminary Exam Judge Reeds
Judge Reeds: Ms. Hand when she made her argument it seemed fairly well, you seem visibly emotional about the videos. You mentioned the videos and how heinous they were, and I then took that into account thinking one of the things I’m supposed to look at in the court rule is the likelihood of conviction. I don’t have enough information at this point to make that call. I – I – I’ve decided last time I wanted to hear the evidence first before I made the final decision on bond. I’m gonna stick with that. I wanna hear what at least the preliminary exam proofs show me and then I can make the decision in an informed way.
​So, at this point I’m going to continue the bond.
September 27, 2019: Preliminary Examination: Judge Reeds Transcript
Judge Reeds: Okay. I want to take a look at all of these. I did skim through some of them and I did see what appears to be conversations about continuing drug sales after the fact. I remember very clearly all of Mr.Rockind’s arguments and your responses. I understand that the modern trend nationally is for bail reform and bond modification. I understand our Constitutional prohibitions, our court rule that talks about bond very well. But, at this point, until I see you next I’m going to continue his bond. It is of concern that he’s on probation for a drug felony. It is of concern that it is it appears at least, on some – on cursory review that he’s continuing the narcotics trade. The protection of the community is one of the factors I am to consider under the current case law. So, for right now, I am going to continue his bond.
October 16, 2019: Preliminary Examination & Bind Over: Judge Reeds
Judge Reeds: Okay. So, there has been a lot of arguments made. I’m sure that those arguments are not done. However, there is a couple of things that were raised. First of all is the incompleteness of the process of Snapchat. And in the digital age that we live in if we were to accept the defense’s argument that it wouldn’t qualify as a business record to have some digital media that’s retrieved from that application then how would anything ever be admissible? In other words, isn’t it –isn’t it prima fascia evidence that the account that’s got your name and other things is your account unless there’s some evidence to the contrary? Is it possible that someone could hack your account and make messages? Yes. That’s true. That’s always true. But to assume that, I don’t think that’s rational. Was this account registered to him, were the messages made by him, that’s the – another objection by the defense. I looked through every single one of these Snaps. Circumstantially, they clearly identify the username Hulkolas as Mr. Remington.
There are references to the time frame of incarceration as being in jail. As what clearly appears to be a pattern of – of drug dealing at various different points there are requests for what appear to be Venmo payments, where Hulkolas is responding with Nicholas_Remington_1.
There are Snaps where there is an address where Hulkolas is saying, “My addy is in Northville.” That’s where the defendant’s address is. At one point I think the defendant – let me find it, at one point the defendant actually gives the street address in Northville of – of the house, so yes. All of those circumstantial facts could be made up by someone, but I think the more rational interpretation of all the context of these is that the Hulkolas is Mr. Remington. I think it would be a defiance of reason to think otherwise. They’re incomplete; you’re absolutely right they’re incomplete. But that doesn’t mean that what’s in there is wrong, it just means it’s not complete. If you got a medical record and four pages of the medical records were not there that wouldn’t mean that none of the medical records were admissible, but only that there were holes in that and that would go, in my opinion, to weight. Obviously higher and better minds will look at it, but I just don’t see any legitimate argument that this is not Mr. Remington’s account and that the statements made there are somehow inherently untrustworthy just because they’re not totally complete. With regard to whether or not he actually gave the drugs to the decedent, that’s a little tougher. There are many different responses that appear from the – a Snap that must have been posted on the 19th asking basically what is – what was he on, what was the kid on, what – various different versions of that where Hulkolas responds methylone, some Mol or Mol and some methylone at various – to various different people. And there is also some – there is also one pretty relevant Snap from a person that appears to be named on this application as Connor Gibaratz. I looked at the information, Connor Gibaratz is endorsed as a witness. Frankly, I would have liked to have heard from him. The statements are, “You gave him methylone and Mol? That’s retarded. You fucking killed him. He’s a dumbass, but you killed him." I think that’s the most clear Snap that Mr. Remington actually provided the drugs, but for probable cause standard I think the People have met their burden that he did in fact provide the drugs and I’m going to bind this matter over to the Oakland County Circuit Court as charged.
Judge Reeds: Okay, so I’ve listened to all - very carefully to both of your arguments with regard to bond. And I’ve already put my position on the record about understanding the – the forum on bond that’s sweeping this country. The problems that I have with this case with the reduction in bond are as follows. He’s on probation for a felony involving drugs. We have a dead young person as a result of actions related to this case. It’s very clear that Mr. Remington is a poor member of the community. He’s a drug dealer. That’s very clear from these Snaps. And the – and continuing behavior after this horrific event in dealing drugs, which could impact other people in the community, including potentially the death of other people. While I understand that a million dollars is an awful lot of money, I think that my – my concern for the community is so high that I’m not going to lower the bond at this point. I don’t know how I could possibly control him. If someone dying from something like this didn’t stop him from dealing drugs no piece of paper that I sign is going to do that.
June 18 2020: Status Conference: Judge Alexander Transcript
This matter having come on in open Court for a status conference, the Court having heard the positions of counsel, and the Court being advised in the premises; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the motions filed in the case will be heard in person at the 6th Circuit Court for the County of Oakland on July 31, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. It is acknowledged by the Defendant and the Court orders that all delay in this case is attributable to the Defendant given the Defendant's request to have the motions heard in person rather than by video.
September 1 2020: Stipulation to Adjourn Motion Hearing Judge Alexander
ORDER: At a session of said Court, held in the Courthouse, City of Pontiac, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, on this September 1 2020. Upon reading and filing the Stipulation entered into by and between the parties hereto, by and through their respective counsel, and the Court being fully advised in the premises;
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the motions scheduled to be heard on September 15, 2020 will be heard on November 6, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any delay is attributed to the Defendant and his request that the motions be heard in person rather than via Zoom conferencing.
October 13, 21, 29 2020: $7,150 Defense attorney Neil Rockind contribute at McDonalds campaign
October 17 2020: Defense attorney Neil Rockind promote McDonald on Facebook & Instagram
November 2 2020: Status Conference: Judge Alexander Transcript
At a session of Court held in Oakland County, Michigan on 11/02/2020. The parties having appeared for a pre-trial on November 2, 2020, via Zoom, the Court hereby orders the following: The parties are to file briefs on the issue of whether the defendant is entitled to alive hearing for a criminal motion. Briefs are to be filed with the Court on or before the close of business on November 9, 2020
November 17, 2020: Request in person hearing Judge Alexander
Defendant's Motion for a live hearing is DENIED.
The Court shall schedule the Motions for hearing on December 4, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. The Court will provide Zoom instructions prior to the hearing.
December 4 2020: Motion Hearing Judge Alexander Transcript
Judge Alexander: I mean I think Ms. Hand was doing - -was doing an - - was doing her job as a prosecutor, she was talking to a witness who was going to testify at trial. Deny the motion (PG 22-23)
​​​​​​​​January 2021: Prosecutor Jesica Cooper lost election and Karen McDonald became Prosecutor.
After she became Prosecutor McDonalds appointed Neil Rockind to committee of defense lawyers that meets with her and advice her.​
Oakland County Rogue Prosecutors Karen McDonalds APA Marc Keast and Chief APA David Williams
January 2021
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
January 4, 2021: Undersigned Assistant Prosecuting Attorney was assigned this file. A phone call was placed to defense counsel sometime between that date and January 6, 2021.
Defense counsel followed up with the email attached to his motion as Exhibit A.
January 6, 2021 - January 27, 2021: In response to concerns expressed by defense counsel in his letter, undersigned A.P.A. contacted Detective Balog, the officer in charge of the investigation, to obtain a complete copy of all police reports so all parties could be assured discovery was complete.
January 28, 2021: A complete copy of the Novi Police Department report was obtained.​​​
February 3, 2021: A packet of discovery, including supplemental reports #9 and #10 were mailed to defense counsel.
​February 11, 2021: PRETRIAL Before New Judge Victoria Valentine
A pretrial conference was held before this Court. Defense counsel stated that he would be filing a motion regarding information learned through the discovery tendered. MR. KEAST: Judge, I think at this point what we need is a motion date. Mr. Rockind has let me know much of what he just disclosed to the Court --I think what we just need is a motion date. I don't know if Mr. Rockind would rather address his motions that were filed in 2020 first, or the motions that he's referring to right now. I leave that up to Mr. Rockind, they're his motions to praecipe. So whatever schedule the Court would like to give us, that's fine with me, Judge. I would appreciate if Mr. Rockind would praecipe it two weeks after receipt of the prosecutor's office, so I'd have adequate time to research whatever issue he's referring to. Perhaps the best way to address it right now,
Judge, is a pretrial five weeks from today's date, that way we could have all motions praeciped prior to that pretrial date and we know where we're going.
Judge, I'm sorry. Mr Rockind maybe we can argue the motion on the motion date.
MR. ROCKIND: Well, the Judge just asked me what the basis was, so --
MR. KEAST: It's very complicated. (Pg 9)
March 9 2021: Bond Motion Judge Valentine Transcript
MR. KEAST: Yes, Judge. As the Court knows, I was assigned the case in January of this year. I spoke with Mr. Rockind a number of times regarding some issues regarding discovery I did discover from the beginning, in January, obtained a copy of the police report from beginning to end, and sent it to defense counsel. I think January the 28th of 2021, are what my notes reflect. Counsel and co-counsel, Randy Lewis, went through the discovery. They made me aware last Tuesday night that there were two reports in particular that were not turned over to defense. It appears that those two reports were in the prosecutor's office possession in September or October of 2019. In my opinion, those two reports are exculpatory in nature and should have been turned over in a timely fashion. They were not. I believe Mr. Rockind and his office may be filing a motion regarding that. I have suggested my own remedy to Mr. Rockind. That is included in the stipulated order, Judge. In my opinion, a remand, at a minimum, is necessary in this case. That will cause further delay to this case being adjudicated. Defendant has been in custody; I believe since the beginning of this case. In my opinion, the delay, at this point moving forward, is attributable to the State. So because of that, I do believe that a stipulated order to the effect that was submitted to this Court is appropriate in this case. I have informed the officer in charge, as well as the victim's mother, of the decision that we have made. They both understand the situation that we're in, Judge. (Pg 4-5)
April 9 2021: Brief on response defendant's Supplement Motion
"Supplemental report #10 details a conversation between Ms. Linda Preka (decedent's mother), former A.P.A. Hand (married name of Wiegand) and the officer in charge of the investigation.
See Exhibit 1. That report reflects that Ms. Preka was shown a snapchat message sent on the Defendant's account "Hulkolas," while the Defendant was incarcerated in the Oakland County Jail. As stated, it does not appear that the supplemental report, or information included in that supplemental report, was turned over to defense until undersigned A.P.A. obtained a copy from the Novi Police Department and mailed it in February of this year." Keast Motion about report # 10 its all fabricated.
CR No: 190015581-010 Written By: NOBALOGS (00214) Date: 10/03/2019 08:08 AM INFORMATION: On 09/27/2019 The preliminary exam was held on this matter at 52-1 District Court. After the hearing, the Oakland County Prosecutor, Beth Wiegand was shown a new SNAP Chat on Nick Remington’s (HULKOLAS) SNAP CHAT account by the victim Preka's stepfather Jamie Thom. Thom advised Wiegand that he was sent this SNAP CHAT by one of Denis Preka's friends named Avery Eckert on 09/26/2019.
" The People must emphasize that this responsive pleading does not attempt to excuse or explain the nondisclosure of evidence favorable to the defense. The People acknowledge that the prior A.P.A. did not disclose the evidence referenced. The timeline referenced supra is not in dispute That is precisely why the People have stipulated to a remand to District Court, acknowledged that this remand will delay trial, acknowledged that the delay is attributable to the People, and stipulated to a bond modification. The dispute lies in the remedy. It is the People's position that neither dismissal nor a quash is warranted when an alternative remedy exists."